
What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is part of a normal life for people of all ages. A little bit of anxiety can be helpful for us and motivate us at points. Too much anxiety however can become debilitating and cause you to feel tired, unable to concentrate, nervous all the time, worried about what other people are thinking and even lead to your body having a physiological response to it.

Some people with anxiety find that they feel unable to control their worry, feel restless and on edge, have difficulty sleeping and even withdraw from their friends and family. Anxiety can lead us to avoid certain things or people where anxiety may show up and cause you to feel embarrassed.

It is common for people to seek support when experiencing all kinds of anxiety. Speaking with a psychologist may help because with support and treatment, skills are able to be mastered to help you manage your anxiety better and return to doing the things you love most.

Do you need to check in with your mental health and see if you are feeling anxious?

Click the below button to complete the Beyond Blue Mental Health Check-In

What is Anxiety