Pregnancy Decision Making

Planning for a pregnancy

Choosing to have a baby is a highly personal and individual decision. Having a baby changes your life and can impact people in a variety of ways.

Women can fall pregnant unexpectedly and without having planned for the experience of parenthood – Sometimes this may be without support, or at points when they are in situations of hardship/unstable relationships.

Some parents have also experienced pregnancies that can be filled with doctors appointments, medical news regarding challenges to the babies health and the potential for this to continue as a lifelong series of challenges.

Women can also be conflicted by the thought that their family may have already been complete and experience guilt regarding the pregnancy.

As you can see, there are many factors that make this a highly individual decision to continue a pregnancy, all of which can impact our mood and be filled with significant stress, grief and other emotions.

We support parents to reach their own decision, where you and your individual considerations are worked through in order to help minimise future emotional distress and doubt.

Pregnancy Planning