Conception and Fertility

The conception journey

For most, conceiving and the fertility journey is a happy time filled with minimal worries. When most parents set off on the parenthood journey, we can expect it to something that will magically happy. However, for 1/6 couples of reproductive age are affected by infertility issues.

The experience of trying to get pregnant can be all-consuming.  If you have been trying to fall pregnant, but unsuccessfully, it is natural to feel frustrated and disappointed when you realise that you have not conceived at each cycle and it’s not happening. It can also be confusing and heart breaking when one pregnancy occurred quickly, with the next pregnancy not happening quite the same.

With many different experiences along the conception journey, women and parents can experience heightened stress, anxiety, desperation and frustration as a result of not falling pregnant. This is then particularly challenging when around our social situations and witness those around us falling pregnant.

We can help parents at this point in their lives to better manage their feelings, responses, expectations and unhelpful behaviours. It is also a time to seek support in order to maintain an open relationship with your partner and continue to maintain a strong and supportive relationship when disappointment can occur.

When considering assisted fertility and IVF treatments, a myriad of conflicting emotions can occur. For single women and same sex couples who are pursuing this path, it is common to seek support whilst working through any complex issues you may face in this process. Assisted fertility can be a time of renewed hope and anticipation, but is accompanied by loss and sometimes confusion or hurt.

Conception and Fertility